If you experience that the system shuts off the water for no apparent reason, this is most often due to connected sensors - either wireless or tape/wire connected to the valve control adapter. To find out which of the sensors are causing trouble, you typically have to use the elimination method. Follow these steps:
1. Locate the valve control. (Power adapter with Waterguard logo connected to valve)
2. If the valve control has a sensor cable connected, disconnect the sensor tape away from the jack transition (see picture below).
3. Test the system again. If the false alarms stop, then it is most likely the sensor cable that is causing the problems. In any case, go over all the sensor points on the wire with a dry cloth and check that none of the points are damaged/rusted or short-circuited in any way.
NB! Also make sure that the tape is not folded at a sensor point in such a way that it can short itself:
4. If removing the sensor cable did not help (or it was not connected before), find all the wireless sensors and remove their batteries. Test again. If the problem persists, there are most likely multiple wireless sensors in the house that are not located. PS! If you are unsure how many wireless sensors you have and where they are located, see the bottom of this article.
5. Inspect the sensors as shown in the pictures below. Check both the contacts on the back (picture 1) and the sensor pin (picture 2):
6. Put the batteries in one sensor at a time. If the problem persists, try to determine which of the sensors is causing the alarms
7. If still not resolved, contact Waterguard customer service for further assistance
Where can I find the wireless sensors?
If you are not sure how many wireless sensors are deployed in the home and where these may be, then you have to go hunting. Typically you will find sensors here:
- In the kitchen cabinet under the sink (Here, a wireless sensor is usually attached to the cabinet wall and with a long sensor cable that is pulled under the kitchen plinth past the dishwasher)
- Guest bathroom/guest toilet
- Room with water heater
- Laundry room
- Water distribution cabinet
- Inspection hatch behind toilet (with built-in cistern)
- inspection hatch/connections in relation to outdoor crane
- Cellar/storage/technical room with main stop tap
- Other rooms with water installation without drain or membrane
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