Waterguard+ is a wireless, automatic leakage control system that continuously monitors the tap water in a home or building by detection of water or high moisture. The system provides effective protection and reduces the impact of an actual leakage. If water is detected 1) the water supply is closed and 2) the owner is notified by sound, lights and from the mobile app.
Waterguard+ consist of the following main components:
The combined heart and brain of the Waterguard+ system. The central unit receives signals from wireless sensors or from sensor tape connected directly, controls the valves and provides alerts in case of events.
The valve is mounted on the water pipe, either the main intake (for complete protection) or desired section/room for specific detection and control. When a leak is detected, or a user manually closes the valve, the water supply is stopped to reduce the risks or consequences of a bigger damage.
The wireless sensor detects water and measures temperature and humidity. If water is detected, the sensor signals the Linkbox+ which closes the watersupply. The wireless sensor is small and can be placed effortless in any strategic places. It can be used as a stand-alone device (running on battery), or in a bracket connected to a fixed power supply. When using a bracket, extra sensor tape can be connected for extended detection.
Abralife mobile app
The Abralife mobile app allows the homeowner to setup, monitor and control 2 valves per Linkbox+, sensor tape and up to 50 wireless Watersensor+. The app is not required for the system to work, but it provides notifications if an event occur and lets you control the system - no matter where you are.
More information about Waterguard+ components are available here
You can also check out the Waterguard+ Installation- and User manual for more details
Abra is a service platform and an intelligent top system that enables a lot of features, solutions and services for homes and buildings:
Leakage protection and humidity control (Waterguard+)
Heating and energy control
Electricity consumption monitoring
Smoke detection and fire protection
Theft protection
Smart door locks and access control
Control and optimize ventilation and air quality
Light control
The main components in the Abra universe are:
The control unit/Hub for all connected devices.
Abralife mobilapp
The Abralife mobile app is a complete app for configuration and administration of your smart ABbra home. With the app, you can connect all Abra and compatible 3.party devices and get full control of your smart home without having to use the native, 3.party products app. All home members can have their own profile and control different parts of the system.
Abra subscriptions
Abra offers features and services, such as alarm stations, surveillance and call out.
For more information about Abra, visit our website www.abralife.no
Fell Technology AS is the company behind both the Waterguard and Abra brand. Visit www.felltech.io for more information
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