Key Words: test, system test
Regardless of which Waterguard product you have installed, the system should be tested at least twice per year. Check you user manual or follow these general steps:
1. Open a water tap (e.g. kitchen sink) and let the water run
2. Apply moisture or a small amount of water on the water sensor (sensor tape or wireless sensor)
3. Ensure water is detected and that the valve shuts the water supply completely from the opened water tap.
4. Dry the sensor and reset the system (Check the system manual for details)
5. Ensure that the water starts running again.
6. Repeat bullet 2-5 for each sensor
The valve can also be closed/opened manually (Check the system manual for instructions)
If you have installed Waterguard+ and downloaded the Abralife-app, you can easily check the system status on your smart phone. You can also close and open the valve from the app. To be sure water is completely stopped, a water tap should be running when testing the valve closure.
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